At the age of 23, Lo Tsz Ching also known as ‘Oscar’ has already embarked on a remarkable journey filled with exploration, personal growth, and valuable experiences. Growing up with three sisters in Hong Kong, her father was a taxi driver and her mother a housewife. At 18 she moved to Taiwan to pursue a […]
Tag Archives: @workingholidaymaker
Working outside during summer in Australia can be very pleasant. It can also be fierce. But knowledge is power, and being prepared for the conditions can keep you safe, while enjoying the great-outdoors. Summer time is the busiest time Australia is 3,860 kilometres from the northern tip of Cape York to southern Tasmania. That means […]
Yoke Peng Chong (24), Jamie Zi Ling Ling (26), Kee Qui Tang (27) from Malaysia and Chia Chun Liu (30) from Taiwan have been in Australia for nearly three years, working mainly in Victoria. Jamie and Kee studied Engineering in Malaysia before deciding to travel and settled on Australia as their first destination. Yoke Peng […]