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Finding and keeping a job!
Finding a job can be a challenging task particularly if you have never been employed or have been out of work for a long time. By choosing MADEC you will have access to a quality employment service provider with over 15 years experience in “Linking People and Work”
MADEC has successfully up-skilled and placed thousands of job seekers into employment throughout Australia.
How MADEC can help you!
Provide you with accessible locations that will offer you a one-stop-shop for all your employment and training needs.
Our assistance is designed to suit you, based on individual assessments and eligibility. MADEC will develop a tailored plan that will assist you in gaining the competitive edge in your job search activities.
We will work with you to identify your strengths and link you to training and work experience that will assist you in rising above the challenges of entering the workforce.
Our Employment Brokers are industry savvy with strong networks in your local area. Their understanding of work environments and industry requirements enables them to tailor employment solutions that suit you.
As a Workforce Australia provider MADEC will work with you to help find and keep a job. This may include assistance with:
- Writing a résumé
- Accessing work experience opportunities that will help you to
- Develop on-the-job skills
- Demonstrate your abilities to potential employers
- Take part in structured training
Stay connected to the workforce - Gaining new skills or qualifications
- Support and assistance in overcoming other barriers to employment