Australian table grape exports surged past half a billion dollars in 2019, the industry is expanding rapidly and needs lots of workers. So put table grape jobs on the radar if you are looking for seasonal harvest work. What is a table grape? Put simply, a table grape is one that is grown to be […]
Monthly Archives: August 2019
Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Peru – all part of the 462! Recent changes to the 462 Work and Holiday Visa are likely to see increasing numbers of people from Asia, Eastern Europe and South America actively seeking horticulture work in Australia for periods of up to three years. So what is the 462 visa and why […]
Many growers see the use of piece rates as an attractive option to avoid paying overtime to casual workers employed under the Horticulture Award. While piece rate workers are not subject to the overtime provisions of the Horticulture Award, changing to piece rate payment is not a simple or easy process. What is a piece […]
Being presented with the Women in Horticulture Award at the recent Hort Connections Conference in Melbourne was a career highlight for East Gippsland farmer Carmel Ingram. The Ingram family are well known in the East Gippsland area. Their integrated vegetable production and transport business, Bonaccord, is named after the lane on which the family dairy […]
Labour Hire Update Three states now have labour hire licensing laws – Queensland, Victoria and South Australia. Is this a national trend? Will growers in the other states find it more difficult to prove ethical sourcing of labour for their markets without the support of a licensing regime for their labour hire contractors (LHC)? Queensland […]
All growers and contractors should be aware that the Fair Work Commission (FWC) handed down its 2018/19 Annual Wage Review decision on 20 July 2019. The decision has increased the national minimum wage and the Modern Award minimum wages by 3% from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2019. The current […]
Labour Hire Update Three Australian states now have labour hire licensing laws – Queensland, Victoria and South Australia. For anyone considering working for a business or individual who hires your labour to a farm, you will be better protected, but only if your employer is licensed. How does this help workers? There is quite a […]
Absence makes the heart grow fonder When you live in Canada, and your boyfriend lives in Australia, the heart-strings tug heavily to entice you to travel across the Pacific. That’s how it was for Bronagh Smyth, a young Canadian woman who joined her Canadian-Australian boyfriend in Adelaide in July last year. Like a lot […]