Monthly Archives: June 2024

Keeping Our Borders Strong: Australia’s Biosecurity Strategies

With numerous pests posing a threat to our crops, it’s crucial we all understand how our national biosecurity system works. Let’s break down our defence system and talk about the vital part you play in keeping our farms safe. How Our System Works Before the Border It all starts long before any threat touches Australian […]

Work clothes and equipment – what do I need?

So, you’ve got a camper van, a tent, and a copy of the Harvest Guide – you’re ready to do seasonal farm work picking fruit or vegetables. But do you need special equipment or clothing, and do you have to supply it yourself or will it be provided for you? Farm work varies considerably, depending […]

Goodbye from the Harvest Trail Information Service

The Federal Government has advised that as of Friday, 28 June 2024, Harvest Trail Services (HTS) and the Harvest Trail Information Service (HTIS) funding will cease and the services will come to an end. MADEC Australia has provided the Harvest Trail Information Service since 1 July 2003. Thank you to the many jobseekers over the […]

Paying piece-rates and the minimum floor

The two-year anniversary for new piece-rate minimum wage guarantee has come and gone, and we have seen and heard a few different scenarios and impacts the changes have had on growers and workers. Sure, the workforce and labour shortages are still mentioned in broader industry news, but the reality is that Working Holiday Makers and […]