Category Archives: Trail Talk

Adult Farm Deaths – Australia 2001-2020

Earlier this year, the Australian Journal of Rural Health published findings from research conducted into farm deaths across Australia from 2001-2020. We already know from previous research that agriculture is a high-risk industry and that older farmers are known to be at increased risk of fatal injury. We also know that farm vehicles and machinery […]

Seasonal workforce attraction and retention

This article is the first in a series on Seasonal Workforce Attraction and Retention strategies. The series will identify who seasonal workers are, suggest ways to find and attract them, how to keep them once you’ve got them, and how to get the best productivity from those you employ. The Harvest Trail Information Service, funded […]

Do you need help finding harvest or horticulture workers?

Consider using Harvest Trail Services to assist you. No cost, no obligation, no risk. Contact the Harvest Trail Information Service or your nearest Harvest Trail Services Office. Harvest Trail Information Service Contact List Harvest Trail Information Service 1800 062 332 Harvest Trail Services Contact List South West WA – Rural Enterprises Australia Unit 1, […]

Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings From everyone working in the Harvest Trail Information Service, we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a bright and happy New Year. Congratulations to every grower and industry representative for persevering through a difficult year and ensuring supply of produce to market. The last few years have not been kind to […]