Category Archives: Harvest Trail Information Service

National Harvest Labour Information Services Articles

Bushfire safety for overseas visitors and workers

Bushfire safety for overseas visitors and workers Australia may be one of the safest countries in the world in which to travel, but when nature threatens – knowledge is not only power, it is safety.  If you employ or host backpackers, here is some information to keep them safe. If the ‘drop-bears’ don’t get you… […]

Driving harvesters and making new friends – Nicole’s story

Irish backpacker Nicola Kierna is 28 years of age and likes to travel alone because she finds it helps her to meet people more easily.    The value of a helpful Harvest Office While travelling in New Zealand, Nicola heard good stories about Australia. Being so close and convenient meant she could travel easily and […]

Bushfire safety in Australia

Bushfire safety in Australia Australia may be one of the safest countries in the world in which to travel, but when nature threatens – knowledge is safety.  Here is some information to help travellers keep safe while Down Under. Fires or ‘drop-bears’ – which are more dangerous? Many people when considering travel to Australia worry […]

Free legal advice for visa workers

Free legal advice for visa workers Are you on a working holiday in Victoria and feel like you are getting a bad deal? If you answered ‘yes’, the Goulburn Valley Community Legal Centre may be able to assist you. Know your work rights All temporary visa workers have the same working rights as Australian citizens. […]

Changes for overseas drivers in Victoria

Recent changes mean that some visa holders may need to get a Victorian licence to legally drive in Victoria. Can I drive in Australia? Yes, if you are on a temporary visa (such as 417 or 462) and have a current overseas driver’s licence you can legally drive for the duration of your temporary visa […]

Piecework – your first choice

Piecework is often avoided by Working Holidaymakers, but for those that put in the effort to learn, persevere and work hard, the rewards can be far better than being paid by the hour. Why choose piecework? If you are going to work, you may as well get the maximum benefit from the time you spend […]

Make the most of melons

Make the most of melons Most of us have enjoyed the delights of eating a sweet, juicy melon. Melons are grown all around the world with watermelon, honeydew and rockmelon the most common types. Native to Africa and south-western Asia, melons are members of the Cucurbitaceae family and have been cultivated in Egypt since 2000 […]

Tips for working more effectively with your South Pacific Islander workforce

Tips for working more effectively with your South Pacific Islander workforce In general, the peoples of the South Pacific view life slightly differently than their western counterparts and in order to work more effectively with them, it is worth taking the time to try to understand them better. Below are some general ways to interact […]

Labour Hire Update

Labour Hire Update Two more Australian states now have active labour licensing regimes in place with the implementation date passing. However there is still a transition period happening as the systems settle in. The State of Play The first day of November was the date when both Victoria and South Australia joined Queensland to have […]

A helping hand for Lockyer Valley growers

In good news for growers looking for workers in areas around Queensland’s Lockyer Valley, a new Harvest Office has opened in Gatton. How can a harvest office help? With funding from the Australian Government, Harvest Offices provide a no-cost service to help find workers to pick, pack and plant horticulture, cane, grain and cotton crops. […]