Category Archives: Harvest Trail Information Service

National Harvest Labour Information Services Articles

In Season – Asian Greens

The Australian horticulture sector is vast, and it’s easy for certain fruit and vegetables to get lost amongst the staple groceries you buy each week from your favourite retailer or fresh produce market. We want to let you in on a secret – a diverse range of leafy Asian greens are grown year-round across Australia.  […]

Site Profile – BEST Harvest Trail Services

The best of both worlds Country living with easy access to city perks is where the BEST Harvest Trail Service calls home. With their Gatton office located just over an hour from Brisbane and their Stanthorpe office a breezy two and a half hours away, the Darling Downs harvest region ticks all the boxes when […]

Vigilance – The key to farm safety

Here is an article by Kiara Stacey, Journalist with the Stock Journal – Incidents of on-farm deaths have decreased by 20% in 2021 nationally, compared with 2020, according to the latest figures in the Non-intentional Farm Related Incidents in Australia 2021 report prepared by AgHealth Australia. In 2021, tractors were listed the highest cause of […]

Tax Return Time

It’s that time of year again when we all scurry around trying to find receipts in order to complete our annual tax return. Receipts for costs that are legitimate and are able to be claimed as a work related expense for tax purposes. It’s important because we all want to minimise the amount of tax […]

National Harvest Guide – New edition, June 2022

The latest edition of the National Harvest Guide is now available. This guide is produced to assist horticulture jobseekers, both Aussies and overseas visitors, locate picking and packing and other harvest jobs across all major horticulture areas in Australia. It contains crop calendars for all areas: and a description of the location, how to get […]

Biosecurity – Footwear on the farm

Managing footwear on farm Important information from the Queensland Department of Agriculture & Fisheries – What is farm biosecurity? Biosecurity refers to all the measures taken to minimise the risk of infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms entering, emerging, establishing or spreading on farm, potentially harming the population, our food security and […]

Tips for returning Working Holiday Makers

Welcome back backpackers! The borders are open again and you are starting to head Down Under once more. Want to stay a second year?  Just want to get out in the fresh air and earn some cash? Farm work is almost a rite of passage for Working Holidaymakers, but a bit of information can make […]


Minimum wages for pieceworkers The rules have changed how some farms pay workers.  When working on piece-work you are now entitled to a minimum wage.  However, what might seem like good news has a sting in the tail. The upside of piecework For almost forever, a characteristic of working on Australian horticulture farms has been […]

Mid Murray Harvest Trail Region

Four hours from Melbourne and serviced by our two offices located in Swan Hill and Robinvale, the Mid Murray Harvest Region stretches from Boort in the South to Robinvale in the North, and Barham in the East to Sea Lake in the West. The Mid Murray Region is renowned for its variety of harvest commodities […]

Wage Subsidies

Current COVID driven economic conditions and nationwide labour shortages continue to impact our national agriculture industry. Horticulture farmers, whilst typically resilient, are certainly not immune, with many experiencing unprecedented labour issues across the entire sector. Seasonal labour sourcing is again tricky. Labour shortages are driving farmers to increase wages and upgrade their employee conditions to […]