Blueberries – from the Americas to Australia

Production and consumption statistics in recent years clearly show that blueberries are more at home in their native North America than anywhere else in the world.  However, the growing and selling of blueberries is fast becoming a significant commodity in Australia too, providing an increasing number of seasonal jobs. Blueberries – late bloomers in Australia […]

MADEC welcomes new State Manager to the Harvest Trail Information Service (HTIS)

MADEC Australia is happy to announce the appointment of Donna Mogg to the position of HTIS State Manager responsible for Queensland and Northern Territory. Donna joins Robert Hayes and Peter Angel to become the third State Manager, to further the objectives of the Harvest Trail Information Service. The primary role of State Managers is to […]

COVID-19 – accommodation for travelling workers

Essential workers and COVID-19 exemptions Workers in horticulture have been deemed ‘essential labour’ under COVID-19 conditions so have been exempted from many travel and quarantine requirements. However, there are some practical limitations on movement and obtaining work on farms. If you are a travelling worker armed with knowledge and are organised, you will have a […]

COVID-19 Impact on worker availability

COVID-19 Impact on worker availability The word on everybody’s lips at the moment is coronavirus, otherwise known as COVID-19. Every segment of the economy will be affected in some form, but for the horticulture industry a major concern is the supply of seasonal workers. Situation rapidly changing The term ‘uncharted waters’ is being widely used […]

Driving harvesters and making new friends – Nicole’s story

Irish backpacker Nicola Kierna is 28 years of age and likes to travel alone because she finds it helps her to meet people more easily.    The value of a helpful Harvest Office While travelling in New Zealand, Nicola heard good stories about Australia. Being so close and convenient meant she could travel easily and […]

Tips for working more effectively with your South Pacific Islander workforce

Tips for working more effectively with your South Pacific Islander workforce In general, the peoples of the South Pacific view life slightly differently than their western counterparts and in order to work more effectively with them, it is worth taking the time to try to understand them better. Below are some general ways to interact […]

Read Charlotte’s questionnaire – A keen worker and holiday-maker from France

Charlotte came to Australia for an exciting travel adventure. The National Harvest Labour Information Service and MADEC’s regional Harvest Labour Service office were key to helping her find harvest work. We asked her a few questions to find out  about her experiences.  Read Charlotte’s response to our questionnaire to find out what advice she gives to […]

New Minimum Wage Rate announced

All growers and contractors should be aware that the Fair Work Commission (FWC) handed down its 2018/19 Annual Wage Review decision on 20 July 2019. The decision has increased the national minimum wage and the Modern Award minimum wages by 3% from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2019. The current […]

Mobile app helps workers record working hours

The ‘Record My Hours’ mobile phone app makes it quick and easy for workers to keep a personal record of the hours they work for pay and visa purposes. The Fair Work Ombudsman strongly encourages all employers to keep proper employee records including hours worked and rates of pay and to issue payslips to all […]