Category Archives: Harvest Trail Information Service

National Harvest Labour Information Services Articles

Supply of winter workers under COVID-19

Supply of winter workers under COVID-19 There has been some disquiet in the horticulture sector that there may be a shortfall of seasonal workers over winter as many backpackers have returned to their home countries and Pacific workers are not able to enter Australia. However, circumstances are changing quickly and it appears there are now […]

MADEC Harvest Labour Services available to assist growers with labour needs

MADEC Harvest Labour Services available to assist growers with labour needs Media Release26 March 2020 The horticulture industry in Australia is highly reliant on overseas workers to harvest its various fruit, vegetable and nut crops each year. COVID-19 has brought the migration of international workers to a sudden halt. Backpackers who had applied for working […]

COVID-19 Impact on worker availability

COVID-19 Impact on worker availability The word on everybody’s lips at the moment is coronavirus, otherwise known as COVID-19. Every segment of the economy will be affected in some form, but for the horticulture industry a major concern is the supply of seasonal workers. Situation rapidly changing The term ‘uncharted waters’ is being widely used […]

Coronavirus – should I be concerned?

Coronavirus – should I be concerned? If you are not in an area where coronavirus is spreading, or have not travelled from an area where coronavirus is spreading, or have not been in contact with an infected patient, your risk of infection is low. Current status of the virus Since the first detection of unusual […]

Coronavirus – will it impact worker availability

Coronavirus – will it impact worker availability Since the first detection of unusual pneumonia cases in the Chinese port city of Wuhan on 31 December 2019, and subsequent identification of the novel coronavirus as the cause, the virus has rapidly spread. As of 5 March 2020, the outbreak has now been identified in 77 countries […]

Improving employability for 417 & 462 visa holders

Improving employability for 417 & 462 visa holders In recent months there have been many changes to the way harvest labour can be sourced in Australia. Most of these changes have been good for growers with several programs expanded, new ones introduced and some red tape removed. For 417 and 462 visa holders, however, this […]

Bowen – Fruit bowl of the North

Bowen – Fruit bowl of the north Looking for some harvest work in winter and want to enjoy some balmy, tropical ‘dry season’ weather at the same time? Bowen, in Far North Queensland, may be the place to go. Why Bowen? Named in 1861 by explorer George Elphinstone Dalrymple after the first Governor of Queensland, […]

Are you sure your workers are illegal?

Are you sure your workers are illegal? Yes, I meant to say illegal? There are two parallel stories here, the ‘Bridging Visa rort’ and the use of undocumented workers in the horticulture industry. What is the ‘Bridging Visa rort’? Non-citizens who have overstayed their visas and volunteer their presence to authorities are often provided with […]

HILA – a new tool to source skilled workers

HILA – a new tool to source skilled workers One of the biggest issues for horticulture growers is finding skilled and semi-skilled workers. Jobs such as truck, fork lift and tractor drivers, farm managers and mechanics can be hard to fill. The new Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement (HILA) allows growers to sponsor overseas workers with […]

Keeping up with changes to harvest labour options

Keeping up with changes to harvest labour options The last 12 months have seen many changes to the way harvest labour can be sourced and paid. Most of these changes have been good for growers with several programs expanded, new ones introduced and some red tape removed. However, other changes will mean growers need to […]