Category Archives: Harvest Trail Information Service

National Harvest Labour Information Services Articles

Worker Profile – Victor Voarick

All about the wine As a qualified winemaker, French backpacker Victor Voarick sought out the Australian wine industry as a focus for his working holiday.  But when the coronavirus hit Victor had a difficult decision to make – to go home early or remain in Australia. There’s wine…and there’s wine There are lots of different […]

New Tumbarumba Accomodation – The Gold Standard

Low-cost accommodation is essential to attract seasonal workers, but ‘budget’ does have not to mean low quality. Budget accommodation Essential to Support Workers Many horticulture enterprises need to attract seasonal workers during peak times, usually harvest.  Some of these workers may be available in the local community, especially regulars that return each year.  However, a […]

New Tumbarumba Accomodation – The Gold Standard

Low-cost accommodation is essential for young travellers in need of a home base to find work, but ‘budget’ does have not to mean low quality. Budget accommodation Essential to Support Workers Many farms, especially fruit or vegetable farms, need to attract seasonal workers during peak times.  Some of these workers may live in the local […]

MADEC to deliver the new Harvest Trail Information Service (HTIS)

From the 1st of July 2020, MADEC Australia will deliver the new and enhanced National Harvest Labour Information Service (NHLIS). The reformed national Harvest Trail Information Service will allow employers and job seekers to access greater benefits from the service. As part of the reforms the Harvest Trail website has been revamped, so that job […]

Grower Profile – Rod & Jeanette Dalton

Grantham Orchards, Lockyer Valley Region, Queensland After 32 years, Rod Dalton knows a thing or two about growing fruit.  It was in the early 2000s when a lack of water in the Lockyer Valley region led Rod to change crops from citrus and avocados to stone fruit, persimmons and figs.  This change has proven to […]

Blueberries – from the Americas to Australia

Production and consumption statistics in recent years clearly show that blueberries are more at home in their native North America than anywhere else in the world.  However, the growing and selling of blueberries is fast becoming a significant commodity in Australia too, providing an increasing number of seasonal jobs. Blueberries – late bloomers in Australia […]

Blueberries – from the Americas to Australia

Production and consumption statistics in recent years clearly show that blueberries are more at home in their native North America than anywhere else in the world.  However, the growing and selling of blueberries is fast becoming a significant commodity in Australia too, providing an increasing number of seasonal jobs. Blueberries – late bloomers in Australia […]

MADEC welcomes new State Manager to the Harvest Trail Information Service (HTIS)

MADEC Australia is happy to announce the appointment of Donna Mogg to the position of HTIS State Manager responsible for Queensland and Northern Territory. Donna joins Robert Hayes and Peter Angel to become the third State Manager, to further the objectives of the Harvest Trail Information Service. The primary role of State Managers is to […]

COVID-19 – accommodation for travelling workers

Essential workers and COVID-19 exemptions Workers in horticulture have been deemed ‘essential labour’ under COVID-19 conditions so have been exempted from many travel and quarantine requirements. However, there are some practical limitations on movement and obtaining work on farms. If you are a travelling worker armed with knowledge and are organised, you will have a […]

COVID-19 – Update – For anyone looking for agriculture work

Covid-19 – Update – For anyone looking for agriculture work It is now around five weeks since the COVID-19 outbreak lead to widespread changes to social interaction and travel in Australia. For anyone looking for agriculture work these changes have had a major impact on how much work is available, and whether you can travel […]