Category Archives: Harvest Trail Information Service

National Harvest Labour Information Services Articles

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF)

Have you heard of WWOOF? No, it’s not a dog with a stutter, it’s a program designed to connect organic farms with people happy to provide volunteer labour in exchange for board, education and cultural exchange. What is WWOOF? Some people keen on sustainability may seek a different working experience than on traditional farms, and […]

National Harvest Guide – January 2021 edition

The latest edition of the National Harvest Guide is now available. This guide is produced to assist jobseekers, both Australian residents and international visitors, locate harvest work in all areas of Australia. The guide is updated regularly and printed twice a year by the Harvest Trail Information Service. The guide can be found on the […]

Fair Work Ombudsman: Know you rights working in the Horticulture industry

The Fair Work Ombudsman. Know your rights working in the horticulture industry. Knowing your work rights can be confusing and difficult to navigate at times. Fortunately the Australian Government has made resources available to assist workers and employers alike understand their rights within the workplace. The Fair Work Ombudsman was founded as part of Australia’s […]

Grower Profile – Horsfall’s Cardross Vineyard Pty. Ltd.

Mark Horsfall from Horsfall’s Cardross Vineyard tells us about his business and how MADEC Harvest Trail Services helped recruit the right people to carry out his business.  MADEC thank Mark for his valuable time as he was heavily involved with harvesting and was still able to find the time for this interview. How did you […]

FWA Omnibus Bill Changes

Industrial relations update While industrial relations can be a dry subject and many employers nod off just thinking about it, there are some important things happening at the moment.  Stay awake for just a few minutes and check this information out. The Fair Work Amendment Bill Changes are before Federal Parliament at the moment that […]

Finding & Keeping Workers – The New Challenge

It is now about twelve months since the COVID-19 pandemic started to have a significant impact in Australia, with the first national movement restrictions commencing on 18 March, 2020, followed by the closure of the international border two days later. This has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of overseas workers available for […]

Using a Labour Hire Provider (Contractor) – Important Tips

Using a ‘labour hire provider’ (or ‘contractor’) can be an easier way to meet labour demand. The contractor sources workers, provides payroll and other legal requirements, and may even organise transport and accommodation. However, growers need to be aware of some of the potential pitfalls associated with using a contractor. ‘Accessorial Liability’ Both the Fair […]

Crop Profile: Pomegranates – The fruit of the dead!

Referred to in Greek mythology as the fruit of the dead, pomegranates are believed to have arisen from the blood of Adonis.  Despite not being on the shopping lists of many Australian consumers, a small industry exists in our country. A brief introduction to pomegranates Pomegranates originate from western Asia in the area from Iran […]

AWU Challenge Horticulture Award piece rates

Just prior to Christmas 2020 the Australian Workers Union (AWU) lodged an application with the Fair Work Commission (FWC) to vary the Horticulture Award 2020. The application has two components: It seeks to install a ‘floor’ on piecework arrangements, so that the worker must earn at least the minimum hourly rate (presently $24.80 for casuals; […]