Changes to pay rates

New pay rates for casual workers Casual workers in horticulture are now entitled to overtime payment in certain conditions and should get familiar with their entitlements under the Hort Award. A recent decision by the Fair Work Commission that changes the Hort Award, which sets the base pay rate for people working in horticulture, means […]

Horticulture award changes

Get ready to manage the Hort Award changes Make sure you are ready for the changes that have occurred to the Horticulture Award, which mean casual workers are entitled to overtime payments in certain conditions. Hort award changes – are you ready? The most significant changes to the Horticulture Award since 2010 now mean that all casual workers […]

National labour hire licensing

National labour hire licensing is coming – and it’s good news for horticulture By Rob Hayes, State Manager – National Harvest Labour Information Service, MADEC A national labour hire licensing scheme for horticulture was announced by the Liberal party prior to their re-election. Now, with new Agriculture Minister Bridget McKenzie at the helm, growers need […]

Meet a Worker – James Thomas

James is 31 years of age, a plumber from Wales. He arrived in Australia in November 2018 and has had constant work since. His main reason for coming to Australia was to travel with his girlfriend. He had heard some bad stories about working as a backpacker in Australia but felt that these were just […]