Induction Process

Is your Induction Process robust enough? Does your on-boarding process with new workers meet the Fair Work standard?  Does it provide your employees with the information they require to work on your farm?  And conversely, have you collected the necessary information to ensure you are complying with laws and regulations? A robust induction process is […]


The luscious summer fruit you never knew you needed In Australia in the ‘early days’, lychees were purchased in cans and were considered a most exotic fruit, if they were even heard of.   Nowadays, 12% of Australian households regularly purchase lychees from the supply chain. Total production in Australia is just over 2,700 tonnes. […]

Piecework Rates

Image Source: Flickr / Alex Proimos There is a lot of negative media around pay and conditions for horticulture workers. Special attention is paid to the use of the piece-work provisions of the Horticulture Award.  It is important to state upfront that paying wages based on productivity has been a part of horticulture since Eve […]

Sophia and Ethan – From the Sunshine Coast to Cairns, via Bundaberg

Sophia and Ethan are a young couple travelling the Harvest Trail together. Ethan is Australian travelling up from Victoria, while Sophia is from Germany on a working holiday visa. They started their journey together in Victoria with clear plans, but They left Victoria before COVID took a hold to go holidaying in NSW.  However, with […]


“Aussie Mangoes mean summer, the feeling of sunshine and the spray from the garden hose on your skin, kids laughing, the smell of barbeques, long light evenings serenaded by kookaburras and cicadas. The first bite of a mango that sends it’s sweet, sticky juice running down your face.” Thus goes the opening message on the […]

Grower Profile – Paul Da Silva

We sat down with Fremantle-born Paul Da Silva to hear his story and gain his insight into the horticulture industry in Western Australia. From humble beginnings as a first-generation Australian, Paul has taken his parent’s involvement in the horticulture industry and has turned it into a successful business. The following is an interview conducted by […]

Workforce Planning

Simply put, workforce planning is about having the right people in the right roles at the right times to meet the strategic objectives of the business. A focus of workforce planning is in understanding and preparing for changes in your business environment (eg. COVID) which could impact on your workforce needs or in this case […]

Caboolture Harvest Office Opens

It’s right in the middle of the Strawberry harvest and Caboolture’s new Harvest Office on the main street through town, King Street, is in full operation and working with growers to source their workers, and with workers to find them jobs. Caboolture Harvest Officer, Kristy Banks says it’s exciting and challenging to be working in […]

Finding workers in a COVID world – planning is the key

It is now about five months since the COVID-19 pandemic started to have a significant impact in Australia, with the first national movement restrictions commencing on Wednesday 18th March. Much has happened since that time with restrictions becoming more stringent, then easing, before being reinstated in Victoria. Likewise border restrictions have changed from open to […]