Devonport – gateway to Tasmania

Anyone who has travelled to beautiful Tasmania via ferry knows that Devonport is the place where you first set foot on Australia’s only island state. The port on the Mersey River was established by colonial settlers leading into the mid-1800s, with both locally mined coal and then timber benefiting the new town which started on […]

Fair Farms Now Accepted By All Major Supermarkets

Good news for Australian horticulture growers – Coles has adopted the Fair Farms program into its ethical sourcing program for suppliers, joining Woolworths and Aldi as the major retailers to adopt the program. What is Fair Farms? Fair Farms is an industry-led initiative aimed at fostering fair and responsible employment practices in Australian horticulture, and […]

Managing your Employment Risks – Wage Records and Payslips

Wage records As an employer, and like every employer, you are legally required to keep records of all transactions relating to your tax, employment, and superannuation affairs.  Employment record-keeping and pay slip obligations are designed to ensure that employees receive their correct wages and entitlements – and to make it easier for the Fair Work […]

Backpacker Travel Advice

Make sure you have a confirmed job before travelling. Backpackers should ensure they have confirmed work and accommodation before travelling to rural areas where fruit picking and packing jobs are available. Backpackers leaving Australia Looking for agricultural work? While large parts of other industries have either shut down or are operating at reduced capacity, agriculture […]

Worker Profile – Victor Voarick

All about the wine As a qualified winemaker, French backpacker Victor Voarick sought out the Australian wine industry as a focus for his working holiday.  But when the coronavirus hit Victor had a difficult decision to make – to go home early or remain in Australia. There’s wine…and there’s wine There are lots of different […]

New Tumbarumba Accomodation – The Gold Standard

Low-cost accommodation is essential to attract seasonal workers, but ‘budget’ does have not to mean low quality. Budget accommodation Essential to Support Workers Many horticulture enterprises need to attract seasonal workers during peak times, usually harvest.  Some of these workers may be available in the local community, especially regulars that return each year.  However, a […]

New Tumbarumba Accomodation – The Gold Standard

Low-cost accommodation is essential for young travellers in need of a home base to find work, but ‘budget’ does have not to mean low quality. Budget accommodation Essential to Support Workers Many farms, especially fruit or vegetable farms, need to attract seasonal workers during peak times.  Some of these workers may live in the local […]

MADEC to deliver the new Harvest Trail Information Service (HTIS)

From the 1st of July 2020, MADEC Australia will deliver the new and enhanced National Harvest Labour Information Service (NHLIS). The reformed national Harvest Trail Information Service will allow employers and job seekers to access greater benefits from the service. As part of the reforms the Harvest Trail website has been revamped, so that job […]

Grower Profile – Rod & Jeanette Dalton

Grantham Orchards, Lockyer Valley Region, Queensland After 32 years, Rod Dalton knows a thing or two about growing fruit.  It was in the early 2000s when a lack of water in the Lockyer Valley region led Rod to change crops from citrus and avocados to stone fruit, persimmons and figs.  This change has proven to […]

Blueberries – from the Americas to Australia

Production and consumption statistics in recent years clearly show that blueberries are more at home in their native North America than anywhere else in the world.  However, the growing and selling of blueberries is fast becoming a significant commodity in Australia too, providing an increasing number of seasonal jobs. Blueberries – late bloomers in Australia […]