The Commonwealth Government funds Harvest Trail Services which aim to connect workers with employers in harvest areas across Australia.

Part of this service includes hosting the Harvest Trail website

This site provides a jobs board for all harvest and horticulture vacancies in all states.

The site attracts over 20,000 visitors each month and continues to be a popular site for prospective employees, including international students and backpackers.

Perhaps the easiest way to find out about jobs in areas that you are interested in is to search via the map on the site:

Map of job locations on the Harvest Trail Service website

Vacancies listed need to meet the definition of Harvest Work which includes the following activities:

  • production of Harvest Crops, including picking and pollinating;
  • planting and preparation for planting of Harvest Crops, including clearing and trenching;
  • propagation of Harvest Crops, including growing new plants from seeds;
  • packing shed operations;
  • local and immediate Harvest Crop processing within a Harvest Area;
  • local storage and local transportation of Harvest Crops.

All jobs listed will include details for making contact directly with employers or with providers acting on the employer’s behalf.

The Harvest Trail Information Service (free call 1800 062 332) is also available to assist in connecting workers with available jobs.

If you are located in a dedicated Harvest Area, you can also make contact with your local Harvest Services Office.