The latest and 17th edition of the National Harvest Guide is being readied for publication.
This guide is produced to assist horticulture jobseekers, both Aussies and overseas visitors, locate picking, packing and other harvest jobs across all major horticulture areas in Australia.
It contains crop calendars for all areas:
and a description of the location, how to get there and what facilities are available.
The most recent digital version of the Guide can be found on the Harvest Trail website and is free to download.
The Harvest Trail website lists all current horticulture jobs across Australia and is updated daily.
Should you wish to receive a free hard copy of the Guide, simply call the Harvest Trail Information Service (HTIS) on free call 1800 062 332 and place your order.
Accommodation providers, information and tourist centres and other organisations are welcome to order bulk copies at no cost.